2001, Vol. 72, 1-2
Revue Internationale de droit pénal
International review of penal law
Le jury dans le procès pénal au XXIe siècle - Cyracuse (Italie), 26-29 mei 1999 / Lay participation in the criminal trial in the 21st century - Siracusa (Italy), 26-29 May 1999
H.E. Prof. Giovanni Conso
The idea of a conference on Lay Participation
Stephen C. Thaman
England and Wales : England and Wales report
Michael Zander Qc
Finland : from compurgators to mixed courts : reflections on the historical development of Finnish evidence law and court structure
Heikki Pihlajamäki
France : le jury en France, une histoire jamais terminée
Jean Pradel
Japan : the criminal jury system in imperial Japan and the contemporary argument for its reintroduction
Takashi Maruta
Russia : the reasons for reintroducing trial by jury in Russia
Sergey A. Pashin
South-Africa : lay participation in South Africa from apartheid to majority rule
Milton Seligson S.C.
Sweden : lay judges in Sweden. A short introduction
Christian Diesen
C.J.A. Mittermaier and the 19th century debate about juries and mixed courts
Arnd Koch
The advantages and disadvantages of lay judges from a Swedish perspective
Christian Diesen
Trial by jury : a Western or a peculiarly Russion model?
Marina Nemytina
Suppression of evidence and the use of the investigative file in Russian trials : the view of a lawyer
Yelena Yu. Lvova
Narrative relevance, imagined juries and a Supreme Court inspired agenda for jury research
Richard O. Lempert
Questions of fact and law in Russian jury trials : the practice of the Cassational Courts under the jury laws of 1864 and 1993
Stephen C. Thaman
Interaction between lay assessors and professional judges in German mixed courts
Stefan Machura
Inlfuence of lay assessors and giving reasons for the judgement in German mixed courts
Christoph Rennig
Community participation and the integration within legal formalism in the South Pacific
Mark Findlay
Social integration and lay participation : the situation in Argentina
Edmundo s. Hendler
The international development of the jury : the role of the British empire
Richard Vogler
Philosophical and social view of the jury : could it have a renaissance in Germany
Felix Herzog
The presumption of innonence and the Cour d'assises : is France ready for adversarial procedure?
Michel Bonnieu
Paradoxes of lay and professional decision making in common law criminal systems
John D. Jackson
Lay participation and consesual disposition mechanisms
Thomas Weigend
Acitivités du conseil de l'Europe dans le domaine des problmes criminels
Aglaia Tsitsoura