The International Review of Penal Law
The International Review of Penal Law is the primary medium and core scientific product of the International Association of Penal Law. It contributes to the development of ideas, knowledge and practices in the field of penal sciences. Combining international and comparative perspectives, the RIDP covers general theory and penal philosophy, general penal law, special penal law, criminal procedure and international penal law. The two RIDP issues published every year each follow a clearly thought-out direction.
European Journal of Policing Studies
The European Journal of Policing Studies is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles addressing the topic of policing and police studies in the broad sense. EJPS aims to provide insights into contemporary policing discussion. It focuses on issues that are of interest to the police and other actors in policing, and that shape (the future of) policing. It offers contributions in a broad domain, including contemporary academic (empirical) research on policing (by the police as well as other actors), phenomena that may be of interest to policing actors, education, policing strategies and styles, accountability and democratic rights, legal and political developments and policing policy and practice.
Register for a free account and access the first issue of EJPS.
The Journal of Police Studies (CPS)
The Journal of Police Studies is a quarterly, which is oriented towards high standard, quality contributions on policing issues
and phenomena that are of interest to the police. This journal appears
in the form of theme numbers (topic-journals), in which the respective
topics are approached from a specialist and (if required)
multidisciplinary point of view. Once a year, an issue is being
published in English in order to reach an even broader audience than the
regular Dutch issues that have their main origin and audience in
Belgium and The Netherlands. The editorial board sees to the quality of
the articles offered to the journal. All articles are being judged
anonymously and externally, through a international double blind peer review.