“Jij kan de absolute top bereiken, maar alleen als je me vertrouwt”.

Plegerkenmerken van seksueel kindermisbruik in de sport vanuit slachtofferperspectief

auteurs Tine Vertommen
  Mila Laureys
  Dagmar Stockman
  Helena Verhelle
  Natalie Aga
tijdschrift Panopticon (ISSN: 771-1409)
jaargang Jaargang I Volume 40
aflevering Issue 4. Juli / Augustus 2019
onderdeel Artikel | Article
publicatie datum 3 januari 2020
taal Dutch
pagina 254
keywords seksueel geweld, victim narratives, slachtoffergetuigenissen, seksuele plegers, sexual offenders, sexual violence

“You can reach the top, but only if you trust me”. Victim perspectives on perpetrator characteristics of child sexual abuse in sport
Driven by the public disclosure of high-profile child sexual abuse cases, political and scientific attention
for violence against children in sport has recently increased. Up until today, the evidence base is
grounded in quantitative self-report studies with athletes, and mainly focusses on the prevalence and
risk factors of sexual abuse. Narrative research on the topic is scarce and little is known about perpetrator characteristics and interpersonal dynamics. In this study, we analyzed the lived experiences of nine victim-survivors of chronic child sexual abuse in Flemish sport. Using their narratives, we looked for perpetrator characteristics and behaviours leading on to and during the abuse. The offenders were all male, older than the victim and in a position of authority. Interviewees mentioned several opportunities, created in the sport environment, for the abuse to be prepared, initiated and continued over a long period of time, including installing trust, secrecy, dependency and threat. Analyzing survivors’ voices not only brings new insights, but also allows for acknowledgement, advanced meaning making and stronger prevention in the world of sport.

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