Normalisering: een complex proces met subjectief karakter

Theoretisch kader voor de interpretatie en implementatie van het normaliseringsbeginsel

auteur Helene De Vos
tijdschrift Panopticon (ISSN: 771-1409)
jaargang Jaargang | Volume 38
aflevering Issue 3. May / June 2017
onderdeel Artikel | Article
publicatie datum 9 mei 2017
taal Dutch
pagina 179
keywords aims of imprisonment, Normaliseringsbeginsel, Normalization principle, re-integratie, doelen van de strafuitvoering, reintegration

Normalization: a complex process with a subjective nature
Theoretical framework for the interpretation and implementation of the normalization principle
Normalization is a fundamental principle in Belgian and European penal policy. Due to its abstract description, however, the principle can be interpreted and implemented in many different and even opposing ways. An important requirement for any consistent implementation of the principle is a good understanding of its interpretation in a given context. Therefore, this article proposes an analytical framework that identifies three aspects of normalization as a process: 1) the purpose, 2) the aspects of prison life that are to be normalized and 3) the intended results. A successful implementation, then, requires consistency between purpose, aspects and results. Applied to the Belgian prison law, the purpose of the normalization process is the prevention of harmful effects of detention. Thus, for a consistent implementation of the normalization principle, all aspects of prison life should be normalized in such a way that the harmful effects of the whole prison experience are prevented.

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