Publieke ernstpercepties van criminaliteit

Ren survey-onderzoek bij de Vlaamse bevolking

auteurs An Adriaenssen
  Letizia Paoli
tijdschrift Panopticon (ISSN: 771-1409)
jaargang Jaargang | Volume 37
aflevering Issue 6. November / December 2016
onderdeel Artikel | Article
publicatie datum 15 december 2016
taal Dutch
pagina 481
keywords public opinion, serious crime, criminaliteitsbeleid, ernstige criminaliteit, Publieke ernstpercepties, Perceived crime seriousness, publieke opinie, criminal policy

Since Sellin and Wolfgang’s 1964 landmark study and their and others idea of public opinion as a significant force in the field of criminal policy, a considerable body of literature has grown on perceived crime seriousness in the ‘70s and ‘80s. However, in the last decades only a handful of studies were published on the topic, with only a few studies conducted in Europe. Against this background, the study is intended to revitalize the line of research on perceived crime seriousness and introduce it in Belgium. On the basis of a general population survey administered in 2014 in Flanders, we 1) investigate how people rank crimes in terms of seriousness, 2) examine the degree of consensus in perceived crime seriousness, and 3) identify correlates of perceived crime seriousness.

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