Bronnenbescherming in het (Belgisch) criminologisch onderzoek: You have the right to remain silent?

auteurs Evi Schroyen
  Laura Vande Reyde
  Dirk Van Daele
tijdschrift Panopticon (ISSN: 771-1409)
jaargang Jaargang | Volume 35
aflevering Issue 4. July / August 2014
onderdeel Artikel | Article
publicatie datum 11 juli 2014
taal Dutch
pagina 302
keywords confidentialiteit, criminologisch onderzoek, bronnengeheim, (professional) confidentiality, source disclosure, criminological research

Source protection in (Belgian) criminological research: you have the right to remain silent?
In criminological research guaranteeing anonymity of respondents and confidentiality of data, is often crucial. Even though some ethical/deontological guidelines exist, in the Belgian context, however, little attention is paid to (1) the overall question to what extent sources used within (criminological) research can be protected from forced disclosure and (2) specific questions on how criminological researchers can safeguard anonymity and confidentiality.

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