De vernieuwde tuchtprocedure voor justitie: stap naar een volwaardig integriteitsbeleid?

auteurs Gundrun Vande Walle
  Eline Quartier
tijdschrift Panopticon (ISSN: 771-1409)
jaargang Jaargang | Volume 35
aflevering Issue 3. May / June 2014
onderdeel Artikel | Article
publicatie datum 30 april 2014
taal Dutch
pagina 189
keywords rules of conduct, tuchtrechtbank, disciplinary procedure, integriteitsbeleid, disciplinary court, gedragsnormen, integrity policy, tuchtprocedure

The reform of the disciplinary procedure for the judicial system: a step towards a fully-fledged integrity policy?
Integrity policy must be composed by stimulating and control instruments. We consider the disciplinary procedure as a control instrument of integrity policy. Recently, as part of a fundamental reform of the Belgian judicial system, the disciplinary procedure has been revised. The new disciplinary system will come into force ultimately the 1st of September 2014. We have taken this moment of fundamental change of the disciplinary procedure to detect the weaknesses of the current system and the potential of the new disciplinary procedure to meet the criticisms. We interviewed 12 people working in the judicial environment with a specific expertise in disciplinary sanctions. The main question of this research was to what extent we can consider this reform as a step towards a fully-fledged integrity policy.

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