Het Geïntegreerd Breed Onthaal (GBO) en samenwerkingsverbanden met justitiële diensten: naar een sociaal-juridische praktijk?

auteurs Steven Gibens
  Johan Boxstaens
  Pascale Vereecke
tijdschrift Panopticon (ISSN: 771-1409)
jaargang Jaargang I Volume 42
aflevering Issue 5. September-October 2021
onderdeel Artikel | Article
publicatie datum 4 oktober 2021
taal Dutch
pagina 403
keywords interorganisationele samenwerking, Geïntegreerd Breed Onthaal, interorganizational collaboration, toegang tot het recht, socio-juridische praktijk, socio-juridical practice, Integrated-Rights Practice, access to justice

Integrated-Rights Practice and collaboration with judicial actors: towards a socio-juridical practice?
In Flanders, a renewed Decree on Local Social Policy (2018) introduced the concept of ‘Integrated-Rights Practice’ (IRP). In brief, IRP aims to guarantee social rights by creating local interorganizational networks that foster generalist, pro-active, outreaching, strengths-based and participative social work interventions.
In our article, we will focus on an ongoing project in which IRP is applied to the specific field of socio-juridical practice in Antwerp. In this project, interorganizational collaboration between different social
work services is expanded with partners from the field of justice (courts, lawyers, magistrates, …) in an effort to lower existing thresholds that impair access to justice and lead to non-take-up of rights.
In order to evaluate this innovative practice, we use the CAIMeR-model developed by Blom and Morèn. Guided by the theoretical structure of CAIMeR, we designed a methodological framework in which we combine structured direct observations and semi-structured interviews.