Digitalisering in de lokale politie in Vlaanderen en Brussel: waar staan we?

auteurs Lore Rooseleers
  Jeroen Maesschalck
tijdschrift Panopticon (ISSN: 771-1409)
jaargang Jaargang I Volume 42
aflevering Issue 5. September-October 2021
onderdeel Artikel | Article
publicatie datum 4 oktober 2021
taal Dutch
pagina 419
keywords technologie, police, politie, technology

Digitalization in the local police in Flanders and Brussels (Belgium): where do we stand?
This article aims to map the use of technologies by the local police in Belgium. It presents the results of a survey filled out by representatives of 86 (out of 113, hence 76,1%) local police forces in Flanders and Brussels. In addition to general questions about the use of 43 different types of technology, the survey also asked more specific questions about the use of one particular mobile information technology, ‘Focus@GPI’, that is currently being implemented across the Belgian police. The results confirm broad use of many new technologies, including the Focus app. They also show significant variation among local police forces in the use of technology in general as well as of the Focus app specifically. The article concludes with some reflections about the impact of the growing use of these technologies on daily police work.