Waar de nood het hoogst is

De informatietekorten en -behoeften bij klanten van sekswerkers in België

auteurs Yente Neelen
  Gert Vermeulen
tijdschrift Panopticon (ISSN: 771-1409)
jaargang Jaargang | Volume 39
aflevering Issue 6. November / December 2018
onderdeel Artikel | Article
publicatie datum 30 november 2018
taal Dutch
pagina 507
keywords gezondheidsrisico’s, klanten sekswerkers, clients of sex workers, health risks, legal framework, strafrechtelijk kader

Where the need prevails. The information deficits and needs of clients of sex workers in Belgium
To date, no research has uncovered the information needs of clients of sex workers in Belgium. Moreover, existing information channels (NGO websites, advertising sites and discussion forums) are insufficient. As a consequence, stakeholders have highlighted the importance of information for clients. Focusing on the criminal and medical risks, this research therefore assesses whether the clients have based their knowledge on misperceptions and fragmentary information. In this study, the posts by clients on online discussion forums are examined. Based on these findings, an online survey was distributed through 4 NGO websites, 32 advertising sites and 6 discussion forums. A total of 334 clients were selected. Rather than information on the legal framework, the results indicate a higher need for information about condom use and the risks concerning sexually transmitted diseases. As such, an assessment of the needs of clients could enhance the information on criminalization and (health) risks that is available to clients.

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