Italian Report on Traditional Criminal Law Categories and AI

author Olimpia Barresi
journal RIDP (ISSN: 0223-5404)
volume 2023
issue Traditional Criminal Law Categories and AI: Crisis or Palingenesis?
section National Reports
publicatie datum 25 août 2023
langue English
pagina 269

The aim of this Report is to investigate a field that until a few years ago was foreign to and distant from the penal system. The purpose of this undertaking is to account for the role that technology and AI tools could play in the Italian Criminal Law system. Firstly, this work seeks to consider the state of the art of Italian legislation and the current applications of artificial intelligence in the legal system; secondly, it will consider the categories and the main institutes of criminal law in order to be able, in the last part, to assess whether they can be adapted in order to be able to address the new issues arising from the introduction of AI in different sectors. The significance of this study is that it informs our theoretical understanding of the relation between AI tools and criminal sectors by focusing on perspectives closer to the Italian legal system and emphasising the importance of analysing Italian legislation and the role of criminal law in parallel with the evolution of society.