Gebruik van internet door mensen met een pedofiele stoornis, die kinderen seksueel hebben misbruikt: Een kwalitatieve exploratie

authors Inge Jeandarme
  Laura Vandenbosch
  Joyce Pairoux
  Luk Gijs
journal Panopticon (ISSN: 771-1409)
volume Jaargang | Volume 43
issue Issue 6. November-December 2022
section Artikel | Article
date of publication Dec. 19, 2022
language Dutch
pagina 529
keywords internet

Use of the internet by people with pedophilic disorder who have sexually abused children: A qualitative exploration
Forensic counselors are reluctant to facilitate internet access for pedosexual offenders. However, the normalization principle in psychiatry and privacy legislation call into question an internet ban. To gain insights about the role the internet plays in committing and preventing pedosexual acts that allow to develop a research-based internet policy for pedosexual offenders. Twelve pedosexual offenders with a pedophilic disorder were interviewed about their internet and pornography use. There were two groups. Among the frequent internet users, the high online availability of pornography and access to peers and possible victims was a pitfall. The use of irregular internet users was little deviant. The majority spoke out against an internet ban because it hinders their reintegration. In line with the literature, the study suggested that tailor-made policies should be developed because pornography and internet sites play a different role in everyone’s story.