Elektronische Informatie Systemen in de jeugdhulp

Over transparantie, mogelijkheden en valkuilen

authors Jochen Devlieghere
  L. Bradt
  Rudi Roose
journal Panopticon (ISSN: 771-1409)
volume Jaargang | Volume 37
issue Issue 6. November / December 2016
section Artikel | Article
date of publication Dec. 15, 2016
language Dutch
pagina 467
keywords qualitative research, Integrale Jeugdhulp (IJH), Transparantie, Elektronische Informatie Systemen (EIS), kwalitatief onderzoek, Transparency, Child Welfare and Protection (CWP), Electronic Information Systems (EIS)

Child Welfare and Protection (CWP) has engaged in the introduction of Electronic Information Systems (EIS), such as electronic recording, assessment and decision-making tools. It has been argued that EIS will contribute to the creation of a more transparent CWP practice. In this article, we draw upon this contemplation by interviewing frontline practitioners. In doing so, we uncovered several tensions, illustrating how EIS might create transparency on the one hand, but also hinders the creation of that same transparency on the other hand. Especially since practitioners showed how they developed strategies of resistance such as overshooting in order to balance between the pre-structured format of an EIS on the one hand and day-to-day reality on the other hand. As a result, there is a lack of transparency about what happens within the field of CWP as well as within the relation between the client and the social worker.

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