De impact van de coronamaatregelen op jeugdprocessen

authors Sofie De Bus
  Johan Put
journal Panopticon (ISSN: 771-1409)
volume Jaargang I Volume 42
issue Issue 6. November / December 2021
section Artikel | Article
date of publication Dec. 3, 2021
language Dutch
pagina 544
keywords jeugdprocessen, jeugdadvocaat, corona, youth lawyer, youth court proceedings

The impact of the corona measures on youth court proceedings
Due to the corona pandemic, Belgium went into a so-called “lockdown light” on 13 March 2020. The essential services could be continued, including the services of justice. During this period, the College of Courts and Tribunals issued guidelines stipulating that, during this period, the courts and tribunals had to provide “a minimum service” that could guarantee the urgent provision of services. In this contribution, we focus on the impact of the (official and unofficial) corona measures on youth
court proceedings during the pre-trial and the trial stage. We specifically look at the corona measures
from the lockdown light until the current period and reflect on how these measures have impacted the
youth court proceedings, given particular attention to the legal aid of minors by a youth lawyer.