Naar een hervorming van het Beroepsorgaan inzake Veiligheidsmachtigingen, Veiligheidsattesten en Veiligheidsadviezen

author Cécile Vandewoude
journal Panopticon (ISSN: 771-1409)
volume Jaargang I Volume 42
issue Issue 4. Juli-augustus 2021
section Artikel | Article
date of publication June 30, 2021
language Dutch
pagina 311
keywords Appellate body, independence and impartiality, Vast Comité van Toezicht op de Inlichtingendiensten, Standing Committee of Review of the Intelligence Services, Beroepsorgaan, onafhankelijkheid en onpartijdigheid

Towards a reform of the Appellate Body for Security Clearances, Security Certificates and Security Advices
The Appellate Body is a sui generis administrative court and is exclusively competent for disputes concerning security clearances, security certificates and security advices. The Appellate body is not well known; nevertheless, its importance is increasing rapidly. In order to be better equipped to deal with its expanding tasks, the Appellate Body will be thoroughly reformed in the near future. The release of its new website constitutes the first step in the reform process. The second step will include amending its legal framework. The author argues that the reform process should not be limited to merely improving the procedure but that the current willingness to reform constitutes the perfect momentum to emancipate the Appellate Body from the Standing Committee of Review of the Intelligence Services.