Seksueel geweld in België: Aard, omvang en risicofactoren van slachtofferschap van seksueel geweld in een nationaal representatieve bevolkingssteekproef

authors Evelyn Schapansky
  Joke Depraetere
  Ines Keygnaert
  Christophe Vandeviver
journal Panopticon (ISSN: 771-1409)
volume Jaargang I Volume 42
issue Issue 3. Mei-Juni 2021
section Artikel | Article
date of publication May 10, 2021
language Dutch
pagina 227
keywords seksueel grensoverschrijdend gedrag, aanranding, prevalentie, sexual assault; sexually transgressive behavior; prevalence

Sexual violence in Belgium: Nature, magnitude and risk factors of sexual victimization among a national representative sample
Sexual victimization (SV) remains a global issue with severe public health, judicial and societal implications. Nationally representative studies that enable us to grasp the extent of this issue are scarce. In Belgium, recent national prevalence rates are lacking. This paper presents prevalence estimates obtained through a nationally representative study among the Belgian population aged 16-69. Our estimates indicate a lifetime prevalence of SV of 64.1% (95% CI: 61.9-66.1). More specifically, 59.3% (95% CI: 57.2-61.4) have experienced hands-off SV (i.e. without physical contact) and 30.4% (95% CI: 28.5-32.4) hands-on (i.e. with physical contact). We further identified potential demographic, socio-economic, and sexual risk factors for SV. Significant associations were found for sex, age, sexual orientation, and the number of sexual partners. No such associations were found for early sexual initiation, current relationship situation, and education level. Comparisons with prevalence estimates from (inter)national studies suggest that prevalence rates in Belgium have been underestimated.

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