Eten achter tralies: een kwalitatief onderzoek naar de rol van voeding in detentie

author An-Sofie Vanhouche
journal Panopticon (ISSN: 771-1409)
volume Jaargang I Volume 42
issue Issue 1. Januari-Februari 2021
section Artikel | Article
date of publication Jan. 17, 2021
language Dutch
pagina 41
keywords normalisering, security, veiligheid

Food Behind Bars: A Qualitative Study on the Role of Food in Prison
For decades, dieticians and medics study prison food. However, only recently it raised the attention of
penologists. This increased attention is in line with the focus of social science scholars for the variety of
roles food plays in societies, including prison societies. In order to increase our understanding of prison
foodways from a penological and anthropological perspective in a Belgian prison context, this qualitative
study provides insight in prisoners’ daily experiences with prison food. Based on 60 interviews and
participant observations, the study shows how prison foodways interact with the principle of normalisation, identity, mortification processes, and security in the institution.