Nood aan een Kritisch Interpretatieve Synthese: genderverschillen in prevalentiecijfers van seksueel geweld gekaderd

authors Joke Depraetere
  Christophe Vandeviver
  Tom Vander Beken
  Ines Keygnaert
journal Panopticon (ISSN: 771-1409)
volume Jaargang | Volume 39
issue Issue 5. September / October 2018
section Artikel | Article
date of publication Nov. 15, 2018
language Dutch
pagina 389
keywords Verkrachting, gender stereotypes, review, Rape, gender stereotypen

Need for a Critical Interpretive Synthesis: framing the gender differences in
the prevalence of sexual violence
Prevalence rates of sexual violence (SV) are unclear and show variability within and between studies
concerning the sex of the victim. Previous literature reviews confine themselves to summarizing empirical research. So far, no explanations have been put forward regarding the underlying causes of these gender differences in the prevalence of SV. In this article we fill this gap in scientific research by performing a Critical Interpretive Synthesis (CIS). This method allows to give a more in depth understanding of the prevalence of SV by adding a qualitative dimension. Through a CIS a theoretical model is developed, framing the gender differences. The analysis shows that gender differences are related to the prevailing societal perceptions of men, women and SV. Current prevalence rates likely underestimate the real scope of the problem. As such, changes are advisable in order to minimize these prevailing perceptions in research, policy and treatment of SV victims.

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