FPC Gent en FPC Antwerpen: Uitstroom en uitstroompotentieel van de opgenomen patiënten

authors Ruben van den Ameele
  Ingrid Dekkers
  Jan Boucké
  Ilse Libijn
journal Panopticon (ISSN: 771-1409)
volume Jaargang | Volume 44
issue Issue 6. November-December 2023
section Artikel | Article
date of publication Dec. 26, 2023
language Dutch
pagina 456
keywords Hoog beveiligde forensische psychiatrie

FPC Ghent and FPC Antwerp: Discharges and discharge possibilities of the actual population
FPC Ghent and FPC Antwerp are both highly secured forensic psychiatric centers. Both centers are charged with the treatment of internees with a final goal of transferring them to a lower security level. Since the start of the FPC in Ghent (November 2014) until the end of 2022, this target could be achieved for both centers together for 37.5% of the total number of admitted patients. This article provides an overview of the outflow already realized, of the limitations in this area, as well as of the outflow potential of the included population. Despite the fact that the outflow from the FPC’s can be regarded as successful, there is still significant room for improvement. This improvement is crucial to achieve a well-­functioning forensic-­psychiatric care-­network. Finally, in this article, various suggestions are made to facilitate and optimize this flow.