The Challenge of using Web 2.0 technology in the safety arena. Piloting with a Virtual Police Service in the Netherlands

author Wim Broer
journal Cahiers Politiestudies (ISSN: 1784-5300)
volume Jaargang 2011
issue 20. Technology-led policing
section Artikelen
date of publication Aug. 25, 2011
language English
pagina 239

Technology is a strong tool for professional organizations, more than ever now we are living in an information society. Police organizations should be information driven to realize their primary goals. The natural information dominance of the police has been disappeared, now they are overwhelmed by web 2.0 possibilities without getting the chance to use these now they are imprisoned by legacy systems. So a re-balance of the information position is needed. An integral approach for the police and its counterparts, including the public, can then be established. The strategy to reach these goals is also twofold: First, to choose for the internet as the platform where the police have to offer its interactive services. Second, to use a ‘fast lane’ for change to realize a ‘Greenfield’ to demonstrate the added value of a Virtual Police Service. This article describes these developments using a comprehensive model consisting of six views on information usage.