The boundaries and the future of technological control: technological control has its limits on ethical grounds, but also from a social control point of view

author Willy Bruggeman
journal Cahiers Politiestudies (ISSN: 1784-5300)
volume Jaargang 2011
issue 20. Technology-led policing
section Artikelen
date of publication Aug. 25, 2011
language English
pagina 127

In recent years technological control has been amplified. New technologies pose challenges for
law enforcement. Understanding these issues is quite complex. Too much belief in the infallibility
and reliability of technology is often at the origin of technological control utopianism. Therefore more research must be encouraged. The social consequences of technological control are clustered around democracy/accountability/ transparency, ethical challenges, technological synergy and function creep, public trust, the impact of police control strategies on social boundaries, the blurring of public/private boundaries and the organisational impact. It is obvious to recall that the world is changing and will continue to change. Police should not just undergo future developments but, on the bases of its strategies and choices, influence the future in line with the limits and boundaries being subject of this study. The scenario methodology offers interesting capabilities for gaining strategic insight into the future and has to be used more frequently. Finally it is clear that the triangle of fundamental values, freedom of movement and security is central in this study and should become the leading basis for the present and future technological control.