Europeanization of the Hungarian National Police

author Jozsef Boda
journal Cahiers Politiestudies (ISSN: 1784-5300)
volume Jaargang 2010
issue 16. Policing in Europe
section Artikelen
date of publication July 26, 2010
language English
pagina 181

In general, the relevant literature dates the first appearance of an organization and persons carrying out independent police duties to the time of the 1841 war of independence. The first state police formation was the Hungarian Gendarmerie created in 1881, while the Hungarian Police as a national force dates from 1919. Both of the organizations comprised the ministry of the Interior’s Department VI – Police Forces, the Police being subdepartment VI/a and the Gendarmerie subdepartment VI/b – Gendarmerie Service. Twenty years after the collapse of the Soviet Union and communism the global security situation changed dramatically. The formal socialists states, especially in Central Europe, including Hungary, are faced with new and daunting challenges. The political changes were followed by legislative and constitutional changes and parliamentary democracy, a multi-party political system, market economy wereintroduced. The main purpose of this article is to summarize the development of Hungary and its law enforcement agencies from the 10th century to the European integration.