Community policing in the Netherlands and the use of other related police models: problem-oriented, disorder and reassurance policing

author Jan Terpstra
journal Cahiers Politiestudies (ISSN: 1784-5300)
volume Jaargang 2010
issue 16. Policing in Europe
section Artikelen
date of publication July 26, 2010
language English
pagina 215

Community oriented policing is often assumed to have close relations with police models like problem-oriented policing, disorder policing and reassurance policing. Generally discussions about the relation between these models concentrate on a conceptual or theoretical level. This paper takes another approach by focusing on the question to what extent community police officers in the Netherlands in practice (also) work according to the assumptions and outlines of the other three police models mentioned. This study shows that, with some exceptions, Dutch community police officers hardly use elements of these other models. The reasons differ somewhat for each model, among them the low professional level of these police officers, their strong action orientation to urgent incidents and their general scepticism about citizen participation. By looking at the implementation of the other police models within community work, serious shortcomings are also shown in the practice of community policing in the Netherlands.