Looking for an effective Environmental Protection: Contributions from Green Criminology and Economic Criminal Law

auteur Luis Fernando Armendariz Ochoa
tijdschrift RIDP (ISSN: 0223-5404)
jaargang 2020
aflevering The Criminal Law Protection of our Common Home
onderdeel Environmental Protection and Criminal Law: Opportunities, Limits and Alternatives
publicatie datum 1 december 2020
taal English
pagina 113

This paper will try to demonstrate that the efforts made (creation of new crimes and
environmental policies) to protect the environment effectively are not enough. The fact that both
criminal law and administrative law only react to the violation of legal norms is ineffective and
the study of the causes of damage to the environment as well as possible actions subsequent to
their injury is neglected. In this situation, we propose to complement the protection of the
environment taking into account the developments in green criminology regarding the
prevention and repair of environmental damage, highlighting the idea of prevention of
environmental crime as well as possible damage compensation alternatives, resulting in a real
and effective protection of the environment.