The racialization of ethnic minority police officers and researchers: on positionality and (auto)ethnographic fieldwork

auteur Sinan Çankaya
tijdschrift EJPS (ISSN: 2034-760X)
jaargang Volume 5
aflevering Special Issue: Observing the observers: Ethnographies of the social world of the police
onderdeel Articles
publicatie datum 30 mei 2017
taal English
pagina 119
keywords racialization, diversity, ethnic minorities, police, autoethnography

This article reflects on the personal, epistemological and methodological dilemmas of conducting
(auto)ethnographic fieldwork within the police organisation. The argument is that positionality and
ascribed identities complicate existing dilemmas of using participant observation within the police
context, such as maintaining a researcher’s role, acceptance, building trust and coping with ostracism.
The article also deals with the tension of being a member of the organisation and a researcher
at the same time, as well as the pains, but also the gains, of doing auto-ethnographic fieldwork
within the police organisation as a frequently racialized (male) member of an ethnic minority.