Is Police Culture Echoed in Southern Europe? The Case of Novice Police Constables in Cyprus

auteur Angelo G. Constantinou
tijdschrift EJPS (ISSN: 2034-760X)
jaargang Volume 5
aflevering Issue 2. November-December 2017
onderdeel Articles
publicatie datum 30 november 2017
taal English
pagina 24
keywords suspicion, brotherhood, isolation, cynicism

It is often maintained that police norms, values, and beliefs, undergo fragmentation due to a
series of causes. That is, the polymorphic nature of policing, the diversity of police personnel,
and the dissimilar socioeconomic and political settings which surround the sphere of policing.
As a result, the saliency of police values and beliefs (police culture), especially when put against
an international backdrop, is doubted, if not denied. Such being the case, the article examines
whether or not, police culture, as documented to subsist in Anglo-American police organisations,
is reflected in the Cyprus Police.