Exploring Police-Citizen Conflict and Reconciliation Through a Relational Model

auteur Sara Stronks
tijdschrift EJPS (ISSN: 2034-760X)
jaargang Volume 3
aflevering Issue 3
onderdeel Articles
publicatie datum 1 maart 2016
taal English
pagina 342
keywords relationship value, conflict management, relationship security, relationship compatibility, reconciliation

In this paper, the function of reconciliation in five different Dutch cases of media-salient police-citizen group conflict is explored through a Relational Model. Based on 53 interviews with key-actors, the ratio between assessments on the value, security and compatibility of police-citizen relationships and conflict interaction is analysed. The results indicate that respondents actively describe police-citizen relationships in terms of their value, security and compatibility. Assessments on the security and compatibility of a relationship seem directly negatively affected by overt conflict. Individual negative intergroup interaction and relationship assessment can be transformed – reconciled – through critical moments of direct contact and reconciliation appears an important and effective strategy of relationship maintenance in mutually assessed valuable relationships that are challenged by overt conflict. A group reconciliation however, seems only possible when key-actor party representatives commit to the reconciliation process.