Policing Berlin

From separation by the ‘iron curtain’ to the new German capital and a globalised city

auteurs Hartmut Aden
  Evelien De Pauw
tijdschrift EJPS (ISSN: 2034-760X)
jaargang Volume 2
aflevering Issue 1: Policing European Metropolises – Guest Editors: Adam Edwards, Paul Ponsaers, Amadeu Recasens i Brunet, Antoinette Verhage
onderdeel Articles
publicatie datum 8 september 2014
taal English
pagina 13
keywords policing globalised cities, Berlin Police, path-dependency, plural policing, comparative research into policing

Since the 1990s many authors observe a pluralisation of police functions in Europe. The paper shows that this trend is also recognisable in the city of Berlin. For example, private security companies have gained importance. Their presence may indicate an increasing intensity of formal social control. Prevention in a broach sense has become important for the Berlin State Police. However, policing in this city is also influenced by path-dependencies, going back to the specific situation of a divided city at the frontline of the east-west conflict before 1990 and to the transfer of federal government institutions to the city since the late 1990s. Specific patterns of the German administrative and legal system also influence policing at Berlin. Compared to the period before 1990 with the presence of the allied military forces and the powerful secret service (Staatssicherheit) in the Eastern part of the city, Berlin is probably less securitized today.