The Joint Family Management Programme

auteur John Merritt
tijdschrift Cahiers Politiestudies (ISSN: 1784-5300)
jaargang Jaargang 2009
aflevering 11. Restorative policing
onderdeel Artikelen
publicatie datum 12 mei 2009
taal English
pagina 205

In 1993 Kent Police became the first UK police service to adopt a new style of intelligence led policing known as the Kent Police Model. The fundamental difference between this model and traditional policing methods was to change the emphasis from a predominantly reactive approach focusing on the investigation of crime to a more proactive approach focusing on the small minority of active, recidivist criminals. The reactive process would still take place when a crime was commissioned but in addition each policing area identified their most active criminals and developed strategies to apprehend them
or disrupt their activities. This was repeated at regional and national level to provide three levels of targets Level 1 Police District Level 2 Regional Level 3 National...