European Criminal Law: Can a General Part ben Developed Through Case Law?

author Uno Lõhmus
journal Substantive Criminal Law of the European Union (ISSN: )
volume 2011
issue Substantive Criminal Law of the European Union
section Artikelen
publicatie datum 19 juin 2012
langue English
pagina 199

When defining the topic of my contribution I proceeded from the fact that commonly a distinction is drawn between the general and specific parts of criminal law. It became clear to me very soon that very rarely the issues purely related to general part of criminal law reach the European Court of Justice. This is quite understandable, as the substantive criminal law has been considered to be a sphere that makes up an essential part of the competence of a state, as it reflects the protection of the values that a particular society considers important, and the EU competence touches upon the issues relating to the general part of criminal law for the most part indirectly. Nevertheless, it is clear that the EU law has its impact on national law as a whole and, fragmentarily, on the general part as well.