De transitie naar superdiversiteit en majorityminority- cities. Over de nood aan interculturalisering van politie en justitie

author Dirk Geldof
journal Panopticon (ISSN: 771-1409)
volume Jaargang I Volume 40
issue Issue 5. September / October 2019
section Artikel | Article
publicatie datum 7 janvier 2020
langue Dutch
pagina 368
keywords interculturalisering politie/justitie, superdiversity, superdiversiteit, interculturalisation of police and justice, majority-minority-steden, majority-minority-cities

The transition towards superdiversity and majority-minority-cities. The necessary interculturalisation of police and justice
Antwerp (Belgium) has become a majority-minority-city in 2019, just as Brussels and Genk in Belgium,
or Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Den Hague in the Netherlands. In these cities the majority of the citizens
have a migration background. This demographic transition is part of the larger transition towards superdiversity as an urban condition in the 21st century.
What are the challenges of the transition towards superdiversity and majority-minority-cities for police
and justice? The article first analyses the concepts of superdiversity and majority-minority-cities,
thereby analyzing Antwerp as a case. The article explores critically the usefulness and risks of the concept of majority-minority cities. Taking this transition as a starting point, the article then explores the
challenges for the criminal justice system in Belgium and the urgent need for interculturalisation.

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