Hoe is het gesteld met de Vlaamse justitieassistent?

Een onderzoek naar werkgerelateerde stress, coping, psychisch welbevinden en levenskwaliteit

authors Kasia Uzieblo
  Tine Vertommen
  Johan Boxstaens
  Jean-Philippe van Dijck
journal Panopticon (ISSN: 771-1409)
volume Jaargang I Volume 40
issue Issue 4. Juli / Augustus 2019
section Artikel | Article
publicatie datum 3 janvier 2020
langue Dutch
pagina 273
keywords mediation analysis, probation officers, mediatie-analyses, online survey, coping, work-related stress, well-being, werkgerelateerde stress, justitieassistenten, welbevinden, online enquête

How are the Flemish probation officers doing? A study into work-related stress, coping styles, well-being and quality of life.
There remains a great paucity of research focusing on the well-being of Flemish probation officers. To address this gap in the literature, we report findings from an online survey in which 200 Flemish probation officers took part. The purpose of the study was to explore the work-related stressors Flemish probation officers experience and the way they cope with these stressors. In addition, the impact of these stressors and coping styles on the quality of life and well-being was examined. Results indicate that Flemish probation officers experience various stressors related to management, organizational changes and role ambiguity. Several stressors are negatively related to their well-being and quality of life. Also, the emotion-focused coping style is found to mediate the relationship between work-related stress and well-being/quality of life. Implications include raising awareness about professional and personal risk factors that may impair the well-being of Flemish probation officers.

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