Crimmigratie en gedetineerden zonder verblijfsrecht in België

author Steven De Ridder
journal Panopticon (ISSN: 771-1409)
volume Jaargang | Volume 38
issue Issue 5. September / October 2017
section Artikel | Article
publicatie datum 6 octobre 2017
langue Dutch
pagina 338
keywords gedetineerden zonder verblijfsrecht, Crimmigratie, criminal law, strafuitvoeringsrecht, migration law, deportable foreign national prisoners, strafrecht, sentence implementation law, Crimmigration, vreemdelingenrecht

Crimmigration and deportable foreign national prisoners in Belgium.
In 2006 Stumpf coined the increasing convergence of criminal law and migration law as crimmigration.
This article applies crimmigration to foreign national prisoners without residence rights in Belgium taking into account the interaction between criminal law and migration law as well as sentence implementation law and migration law.
It is argued that crimmigration is already embedded in the front door mechanisms of the criminal justice
system in Belgium for quite some time whereas its emergence at the back door of the criminal
justice system has been established more recently. Moreover, whereas the criminalization of migration
in Belgium is rather symbolic and only enforced to a limited extent, migration law is more explicitly enforced regarding foreign national prisoners without residence rights after release from prison. In recent years, Belgian sentence implementation law has even become affected by migration law.

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