Neuromanie en investeringen in de kindertijd

authors Michel Vandenbroeck
  Griet Roets
  Rudi Roose
journal Panopticon (ISSN: 771-1409)
volume Jaargang | Volume 35
issue Issue 2. March / April 2014
section Artikel | Article
publicatie datum 3 mars 2014
langue Dutch
pagina 120
keywords investment state, vroege kindertijd, neurowetenschappen, eugenics, kinder- en jeugdzorg, early childhood, eugenetica, investeringsstaat, neuroscience, child and family social work

Neuromania and investments in early childhood
Since the end of the 20th century, neuroscience has a growing impact on discussions about early interventions in childhood, in order to prevent a diversity of social problems such as poverty and crime. In this contribution, we reflect on the way neuroscientific research is being used by policy makers and practitioners, and what this means for social work with children and families. We notice that these developments present what we call ‘neuromania’, which contains three important problems: the depolitisation of social work, the dematerialisation of poverty and the culpabilisation of parents. This does not mean that neuroscience is trivial, yet we argue that the misinterpretation and misuse of recent research findings requires scrutiny.

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