Controle vanop afstand: Resultaten van een empirisch onderzoek naar het werk van de monitoring agent

author Marijke Roosen
journal Panopticon (ISSN: 771-1409)
volume Jaargang I Volume 42
issue Issue 2. Maart-April 2021
section Artikel | Article
publicatie datum 18 mars 2021
langue Dutch
pagina 116
keywords Electronic monitoring – monitoring at-a- distance – monitoring officer, Elektronisch toezicht – controle vanop afstand – monitoring agent

Monitoring at-a-distance. Findings from an empirical study on the work of the electronic monitoring officer
Electronic monitoring (EM) has been applied for over two decades in Belgium and its use and importance have only increased. What makes EM special, is the prominent role played by digital technology for monitoring and communicating with individuals under EM. Consequently, a form of monitoring at-a-distance is created, where face-to-face interactions are no longer required. Based on an ethnographic study, combining participant observations with semi-structured interviews with monitoring officers, it becomes apparent that the lack of face-to-face interactions has consequences for monitoring officers’ work, the way they interact with individuals under EM and how they perceive them. Monitoring officers dispose of limited discretion, they hold negative perceptions of individuals under EM and their understanding of the concept of reintegration is limited.

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