Een factorieel survey experiment naar de aanvaarding van verkrachtingsmythes binnen de politie in België

authors Joke Depraetere
  Charlotte Decrock
  Christophe Vandeviver
journal Panopticon (ISSN: 771-1409)
volume Jaargang I Volume 41
issue Issue 4. Juli-augustus 2020
section Artikel | Article
publicatie datum 17 juillet 2020
langue Dutch
pagina 373
keywords seksueel geweld, sexual violence

A factorial survey experiment regarding rape myth acceptance among the police in Belgium
In this factorial survey experiment, the acceptance of male and female rape myths are measured among
police-inspectors-in-training. We examined whether exposure to a rape scenario had a significant effect
on the level of rape myth acceptance. The results of this study showed that the acceptance of male victims
needs to be improved within the police. In addition, exposure to male rape myths and a male rape
scenario had a significant impact on the attitudes of the respondents. This article discusses the implications for practice and specific suggestions are made for police trainings.

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