Voorspellers van no-show in diverse fasen van de behandeling bij ambulant behandelde delinquenten

authors Willemien van der Kamp
  Joan E. van Horn
journal Panopticon (ISSN: 771-1409)
volume Jaargang | Volume 39
issue Issue 4. Juli /Augustus 2018
section Artikel | Article
publicatie datum 14 octobre 2018
langue Dutch
pagina 280
keywords voorspellers, predictors, forensic treatment, no-show, forensische behandeling

Predictors of no-Show in various phases of treatment among outpatient treated delinquents
Non-attendance or late cancellation of treatment appointments (no-show) do have social and financial
consequences. This study describes percentages and predictors of no-show at 2.909 clients in various
phases of outpatient forensic care. Highest no-show-rate was found in the intake phase: 29,63 percent,
18,93 percent in diagnostics phase and 17,48 percent in treatment phase. Drop-out-rate in the no-showgroup was significantly higher in the diagnostics phase than in the treatment phase. A high chance on
no-show in the treatment phase was found mainly at clients with drug or cluster B personality
disorder. In all treatment phases age was a predictor for no-show.

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