Van theorie naar praktijk: wat leren studenten tijdens een gevangenisbezoek?

author Aurelia Bijnens
journal Panopticon (ISSN: 771-1409)
volume Jaargang | Volume 39
issue Issue 1. January / February 2018
section Artikel | Article
publicatie datum 18 février 2018
langue Dutch
pagina 82
keywords pedagogical tool, studenten, students, Gevangenisbezoek, prison research, pedagogische tool, gevangenisonderzoek, Carceral tour

From theory to practice: what do students learn during a carceral tour?
Carceral tours are as old as modern prisons and have been used for many purposes. Scholars suggest
that exposing students to the criminal justice system may provide a realistic approach to understanding
a prison system and offenders. Carceral tours have become a viable solution for instructors who want
to create such exposure. However, the usefulness of prison visits, as well as the ethics have been subject
to debates for well over a decade. This article focusses on the aspects criminology and law students
learn during such a carceral tour, by analysing pre- and post-questionnaires concerning prison visits by
students of Ghent University in Belgian carceral institutions, and by analysing observations made during
these tours.

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