Crafting the domain of policing and public health in Amsterdam

authors Pieter-Jaap Aalbersberg
  Auke J. van Dijk
journal EJPS (ISSN: 2034-760X)
volume Volume 3
issue Issue 4
section Articles
publicatie datum 16 juin 2016
langue English
pagina 375
keywords police, crafting

Policing and public health are intimately related in practice but an explicit conceptual framework is missing. The processes of so-called glocalization and of organizations (and issues) becoming increasingly ‘boundary-less’ – especially in the city – explain part of the growing importance of the intersection of policing and public health. But these processes do not provide a conceptual frame, nor does this perspective lead to the much needed practical knowledge on how to craft this emerging domain. This contribution will use the current strategic challenges for the police in the Dutch capital city of Amsterdam as an illustration of the character and importance of the relations between policing and public health. Many issues require close cooperation between the police and public health organizations. Although much has been accomplished there is still a lot left to be desired. Extrapolation of present-day developments suggests that existing modes of cooperation might not be sufficient and that we need to fundamentally rethink the relation between policing and public health. This article concludes with a tentative agenda for explorative research.