
authors Evelien De Pauw
  Paul Ponsaers
  Piet Deelman
  Kees Van de Vijver
  Willy Bruggeman
journal Cahiers Politiestudies (ISSN: 1784-5300)
volume Jaargang 2011
issue 20. Technology-led policing
section Editoriaal
publicatie datum 25 août 2011
langue English
pagina 7

Over the last decade, personal safety and public insecurity have undeniably gained importance in public speech, political debate and scientific research. In the wake of our late modern Risk Society, individualisation and globalisation have an important and not to be neglected downside. A growing and general feeling of unrest and anxiety emerges, feeding the longing for safety, security and certainty. Safety has therefore become a first-rate priority and task for an increasing number of people and organisations, both private and public. Like Crawford mentioned: “crime and insecurity are on the move, they circulate in novel ways, penetrating public and private spheres, seeping through new technologies and turning apparently benign and taken-for-granted aspects of contemporary life – such as shopping, travel, working, using the Internet – into potential threats” (Crawford, 2002)...