Europe's police information exhange: an exercise in information management

author Guy Gordeel
journal Cahiers Politiestudies (ISSN: 1784-5300)
volume Jaargang 2010
issue 16. Policing in Europe
section Artikelen
publicatie datum 26 juillet 2010
langue English
pagina 107

A brief review of the existing channels for the exchange of police information in the EU and a short overview of bottlenecks and conflict areas in both police cooperation and judicial cooperation, leads us to the conclusion that more fine-tuning is needed in order to strengthen operational police cooperation and Security and Justice in general. Streamlining the processes by further developing a single area of Justice, empowering Europol and Eurojust, implementing COSI created by the Lisbon Treaty, implementing the Stockholm Program and elaborating training courses for our police officers are necessary steps to secure the area of Justice and Security of the EU.