About the Global Futures Forum

author Renaat Vandecasteele
journal Cahiers inlichtingenstudies (ISSN: )
volume 2015
issue 5
section Artikelen
publicatie datum 26 juin 2015
langue English
pagina 71

Partnerships and outreach are recent subject matters to the Belgian intelligence services. These two components are part of the current policy of intelligence services to enable that a wide public can get familiar with the services and to permit understanding for those who are interested in the functioning of intelligence services as well as to further develop an academic intelligence culture. We notice several think tanks in the context of the academic outreach of the State Security Service, in which numerous members of the Belgian Intelligence community actively participate. In this contribution we shall examine and explore the meaning, the composition, the structure, the functioning, the area of interest, the added value, and the focus of one partner, i.e. the Global Futures Forum.