A comparative view on the role of the police in different restorative practices in Flanders

auteur Gerwinde Vynckier
tijdschrift Cahiers Politiestudies (ISSN: 1784-5300)
jaargang Jaargang 2009
aflevering 11. Restorative policing
onderdeel Artikelen
publicatie datum 12 mei 2009
taal English
pagina 19

Restorative practices arose from the search for other ways than the judicial system to resolve problems caused by criminal acts. In a restorative view, crime can be seen as a conflict between people instead of an issue between the state and an offender. Traditional criminal justice models treat crime as a violation of the state whereas restorative models treat crime as a violation of one person by another person (Sarre, 1997). Or as McCold and Wachtel argue: “Restorative justice is the latest trend in criminal justice practice that contains the seeds of a radically different paradigm on crime and justice than the traditional deterrence or desert-based approaches” (McCold & Wachtel, 1998, p. 1)...